Test Management
You are working on a project to develop an authentication system for an e-commerce website. This system provides two features: Registration and authentication. Two different development teams develop these two features.
There is a high likelihood that the delivery of the authentication feature to the test team will be three weeks later. To complete the registration the user must provide the following registration inputs: Name, surname, birthdate, fiscal code and he/she can select a username and a password.
A registered user can be a special user or a normal user. To be identified as a special user, he/she must also provide, during the registration process, a voucher possibly received from the IT department.
Access is granted only if a user is registered and the password is correct: In all other cases access is denied. If the registered user is a special user and the password is wrong, a special warning is shown on the system console.
You are currently performing a quality risk analysis using FMEA.
Based only on the given information, which of the following is NOT a product risk that could be identified during the quality risk analysis?