You should issue the debug condition interface serial 0/1 command on RouterA to receive PointtoPoint (PPP) authentication debug output from both RouterB and RouterC by using the least amount of administrative effort. The debug condition interface interface command limits debug messaging output to only enabled debugging that applies to the specified interface. Issuing the debug condition interface serial 0/0command and the debug condition username JohnnyB command followed by the debug ppp authentication command in this scenario causes the debug output to consist of PPP authentication messages, but only if those messages also apply to the router’s Serial 0/0 interface or include the user name of JohnnyB. Based on the output of the show debug condition command in this scenario, you can determine that PPP authentication output is only displayed if it occurs on the Serial 0/0 interface, which is connected to RouterB, or if it includes a user name of JohnnyB. In addition, you can determine that both the Serial 0/0 interface and the user name JohnnyB have already triggered flags a single time each. Therefore, it is likely that PPP authentication has occurred on the Serial 0/0 interface and included the user name JohnnyB. The debug condition interface command accepts only one interface per line. However, it is not necessary to configure all interface conditions in a sequential fashion before enabling debugging. Therefore, issuing only the debug condition interface serial 0/1command will produce the results you require in this scenario by using the least amount of administrative effort. Configuring a series of debug condition interface interface commands limits debug message output to the series of specified interfaces. The debug output need match only one of the interface conditions to be displayed. For example, you could issue the following commands on RouterA to ensure that PPP authentication debug messages that apply to either the Serial 0/0 interface or the Serial 0/1 interface are displayed on the router:RouterA#debug condition interface serial 0/0 RouterA#debug condition interface serial 0/1 RouterA#debug ppp authentication After issuing the commands above, you could further limit the PPP authentication debug output by issuing the no debug condition interface interface command. For example, issuing the no debug condition interface serial 0/0 command would remove the Serial 0/0 interface condition from the debugging output, which means that only PPP authentication messages that apply to the Serial 0/1 interface would be displayed. The debug condition command enables you to limit the output of debugging messages by user name, calling party number, or called party number. Applying only one of those conditions to debugging output stops the output of debug messages on all interfaces. The router will then monitor each interface for a condition match. If a match occurs, debug messages will be displayed for that match. In this scenario, the debug condition username RouterB command will display output when an interface sends or receives a PPP authentication packet that contains the user name RouterB. However, because you have also issued the debug condition interface serial 0/0 command and the debug condition interface serial 0/1 command, PPP authentication messages that apply to either of those interfaces will be displayed even if the RouterB user name is not matched. It is not necessary to issue the no debug condition interface all command in this scenario, because this command would remove all existing interface conditions. After that command is issued, all PPP authentication debugging messages would be displayed unless you also issued the no debug ppp authentication command or the no debug allcommand. This would require you to reissue the debug condition interface serial 0/0command in addition to issuing the debug condition interface serial 0/1 command, which increases administrative effort. There is no need to issue the no debug all command in this scenario, because you can add debug conditions to an existing debugging process. Issuing the no debug allcommand would disable the debugging process that is already running. You do not need to issue the debug condition interface serial 0/0 command or the debug condition username JohnnyB command in this scenario. Both of these commands have already been issued, as you can determine by the output of the show debug condition command. Reissuing these command would cause the router to produce the % Condition already set message. Issuing the debug condition interface serial 0/0 -0/1 would not meet the requirements in this scenario. This command contains invalid syntax. Reference:Cisco: Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference, Release 12.2: Enabling Conditional Debugging Commands
You should issue the debug condition interface serial 0/1 command on RouterA to receive PointtoPoint (PPP) authentication debug output from both RouterB and RouterC by using the least amount of administrative effort.
The debug condition interface interface command limits debug messaging output to only enabled debugging that applies to the specified interface. Issuing the debug condition interface serial 0/0command and the debug condition username JohnnyB command followed by the debug ppp authentication command in this scenario causes the debug output to consist of PPP authentication messages, but only if those messages also apply to the router’s Serial 0/0 interface or include the user name of JohnnyB.
Based on the output of the show debug condition command in this scenario, you can determine that PPP authentication output is only displayed if it occurs on the Serial 0/0 interface, which is connected to RouterB, or if it includes a user name of JohnnyB. In addition, you can determine that both the Serial 0/0 interface and the user name JohnnyB have already triggered flags a single time each. Therefore, it is likely that PPP authentication has occurred on the Serial 0/0 interface and included the user name JohnnyB.
The debug condition interface command accepts only one interface per line. However, it is not necessary to configure all interface conditions in a sequential fashion before enabling debugging. Therefore, issuing only the debug condition interface serial 0/1command will produce the results you require in this scenario by using the least amount of administrative effort.
Configuring a series of debug condition interface interface commands limits debug message output to the series of specified interfaces. The debug output need match only one of the interface conditions to be displayed. For example, you could issue the following commands on RouterA to ensure that PPP authentication debug messages that apply to either the Serial 0/0 interface or the Serial 0/1 interface are displayed on the router:
RouterA#debug condition interface serial 0/0
RouterA#debug condition interface serial 0/1
RouterA#debug ppp authentication
After issuing the commands above, you could further limit the PPP authentication debug output by issuing the no debug condition interface interface command. For example, issuing the no debug condition interface serial 0/0 command would remove the Serial 0/0 interface condition from the debugging output, which means that only PPP authentication messages that apply to the Serial 0/1 interface would be displayed.
The debug condition command enables you to limit
the output of debugging messages by user name, calling party number, or called party number. Applying only one of those conditions to debugging output stops the output of debug messages on all interfaces. The router will then monitor each interface for a condition match. If a match occurs, debug messages will be displayed for that match. In this scenario, the debug condition username RouterB command will display output when an interface sends or receives a PPP authentication packet that contains the user name RouterB. However, because you have also issued the debug condition interface serial 0/0 command and the debug condition interface serial 0/1 command, PPP authentication messages that apply to either of those interfaces will be displayed even if the RouterB user name is not matched.
It is not necessary to issue the no debug condition interface all command in this scenario, because this command would remove all existing interface conditions. After that command is issued, all PPP authentication debugging messages would be displayed unless you also issued the no debug ppp authentication command or the no debug allcommand. This would require you to reissue the debug condition interface serial 0/0command in addition to issuing the debug condition interface serial 0/1 command, which increases administrative effort.
There is no need to issue the no debug all command in this scenario, because you can add debug conditions to an existing debugging process. Issuing the no debug allcommand would disable the debugging process that is already running.
You do not need to issue the debug condition interface serial 0/0 command or the debug condition username JohnnyB command in this scenario. Both of these commands have already been issued, as you can determine by the output of the show debug condition command. Reissuing these command would cause the router to produce the % Condition already set message.
Issuing the debug condition interface serial 0/0 -0/1 would not meet the requirements in this scenario. This command contains invalid syntax.
Cisco: Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference, Release 12.2: Enabling Conditional Debugging Commands